额,这不是大名鼎鼎的BF么?终于明白上面的”脑操”不是印刷错误,只是这翻译真不给力,感觉用”脑残”会合适点。(PS: 用BF来讲述图灵机似乎不太合适,虽然BF里有存储/跳转/输出,但是缺少了外部输入,唯一的输入就是代码本身。)
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| exports.run = (source) -> throw new Error 'invalid source' unless typeof(source) is 'string' throw new Error "invalid char '#{m[0]}'" if (m=/[^+-.<>[\]]/.exec source)? [i,buf,jmp] = [0,[],[]] for ch,p in source when ch is '[' or ch is ']' switch ch when '[' then buf[i++]=p when ']' if buf[i-1]? jmp[buf[--i]]=p jmp[p]=buf[i] delete buf[i] else throw new Error "unexpect ']' at pos #{p}" unless i is 0 throw new Error "expect ']' to match '[' at pos #{buf[i-1]}" [p,len]=[-1,source.length] while ++p<len ch = source[p] switch ch when '+' then buf[i]=(buf[i] ? 0)+1 when '-' then buf[i]=(buf[i] ? 0)-1 when '>' then ++i when '<' then --i when '.' then process.stdout.write String.fromCharCode buf[i] ? 0x30 when '[' then p=jmp[p] if not buf[i]? or buf[i] is 0 when ']' then p=jmp[p] if buf[i]? and buf[i] isnt 0 exports.run "++++++++++[>++++++++++<-]>++++.+."